
Restorative Yoga

SUNDAY, MARCH 10, 2024 1:30-4pm

Open to All

Restorative yoga was created by the Iyengar family in the 80s...
The body holds trauma-stress-emotions in seven main body parts (pelvis, diaphragm, throat, jaw, hamstrings, shoulders, and neck). In restorative yoga we work to release the gripping and soften our internal gaze for optimal healing and rejuvenation. Reset, renew, relax, restore, regenerate, retreat, reflect and let go!



Kinga Kondor-Hine LMHC, NCC, RYT-200

found her passion for yoga some 30 years ago and she completed Essential Teacher Training with Francois Raoult in 2013. She has studied with and is influenced by the work of senior Open Sky Teachers along with the work of: Judith Hanson Lasater—Relax and Renew Level 1, Lizzie Lasater-Deep Rest, Laura Allard-Antelmy—Anatomy, Mary Richards-Anatomy, Amy Weintraub-Life Force Yoga, and Rose Kress-Life Force Yoga. Kinga combines the language of therapy with principals of yoga: breath work, mindfulness, guided meditation, and restorative poses as a means for healing in counseling sessions as well as on the yoga mat. Kinga can be reached at

Download and print flyer: PDF

For more information: Francois Raoult

Option Fee
Restorative Session 1:30-4pm $55