
Learn The Art Of Sound Healing

July 23-27, 2025
WED/FRI 11:30am - 5:30pm, THURS 9am - 4pm, SAT/SUN 9am - 5pm

5 DAYS Integrative Therapeutic Sound Healer PROFESSIONAL TRAINING

Do you feel called to start or add sound healing to your practice?

Do you want to learn sound therapy for your own well-being?

Do you want to understand tuning forks, harmonics, and how the bodymind interfaces with Sound?

In this training you will explore:
1. The Science. Our body mind as a potential instrument of health & wellness. Embryology, anatomy, and physiology. The Integrative nervous system and psychology of sound. The Harmonic Sciences.
2. How we can Interface with our self healing capacities. Deep listening. Embodied voice. Embodied movement & bodywork.
3. The Instruments Skills. Our musicality as an extensions of our bodymind. Tuned instruments (Tuning forks, swinging chimes, brass plates, wind, strings). Microtonal instruments (Singing Bowls, shruti box, gong, bells) Untuned instruments (Shakers, rattles, etc..)



Joseph Schmidlin DOmpt, LMT

Joseph is a teacher of holistic medicine an a life-long student of the holistic approach to health and human potential. His practice encompasses classical Osteopathy Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, Lymphatic Drainage, Visceral Manipulation, Massage Therapy, Cranio-sacral technique, Nada yoga, and Sonic Vibrational Medicine. He frequently leads trainings and retreats around the world, in Europe and in Auroville, India where he lives part of the year. He is involved in several creative artistic projects including Sonic Universe Now, Sonic Alchemical Environment, and most recently the theatre Velvet Noose.

$200 non-refundable deposit at registration and $585 balance before June 15th
or $695 if paid in full before June 15th.

Download and print flyer: PDF

For more information: Francois Raoult

Option Fee
Sound Healing non-refundable deposit $200
Sound Healing Balance $585
Sound Healing Full Tuition $695