
Circles and Spirals

October 15, 2023
Open Sky Yoga Center
5 Arnold Park, Rochester
9 am - 4 pm with a lunch break

Āsana, Pranāyama, Nāda

In Asana, Pranayama and Dhyana, in Nature and Life, we see, feel and are Spirals and Circles ... We are vortexes of energy. In this workshop, you will find creativity et yoga practices influenced by Sri BKS Iyengar, experiential anatomy, Yoga of Sound ( Nāda), drawing ... Some will be based on Francois book My Lifāsana. In his teaching, Francois improvises on the theme like in Jazz music or an indian Raga ... Nothing really new but always fresh!

“We shall not cease from exploration
At the end of all exploring
Will be to arrive where we started.
And know the place for the first time.”




François Raoult, M.A., ERYT500, C-IAYT

François is the founder and director of Open Sky Yoga Center in Rochester, NY and has taught yoga since 1975. For a decade, he toured Europe with an avant-garde puppet theater and composed music for the plays. The manipulation of string puppets led him to explore yoga and tai chi. He conducts seminars, international retreats and teacher training worldwide. He also leads international retreats with his wife Nathalie in India, Mexico, Crete and Venice…. A graduate of the Ecole Nationale de Yoga in Paris (with direct disciples of Sri Krishnamacharya) and among the first french yoga instructors to study in Pune,India with Sri B.K.S. Iyengar from whom he received a Junior 3 certification. François also has explored meditation, ayurveda and experiential anatomy. Certified in Gong and Laughing Yoga(!). François completed the international Sound Healer program in Spain and also holds a master’s degree in Ethnomusicology.

Download and print flyer: PDF

Option Fee
Workshop 9am-4pm $140